Below is a letter to our newest members from our President, Lisa Radmer.
Dear Fellow Snoqualmie Valley Educators:
I am excited to welcome you as a fellow educator in the Snoqualmie Valley School District (SVSD). We are the Snoqualmie Valley Education Association (SVEA), a union that represents over 400 P-12 educators in SVSD. SVEA is part of a larger network of education and labor unions, including the Washington Education Association (WEA), the National Education Association (NEA). Together, we are your union and YOU ARE SVEA!
Every day SVEA members advocate, protect and stand up for the rights of the educators and students of the Snoqualmie Valley. We stand together in support of public education and to ensure our educators and students are respected and have the schools and resources we ALL deserve. In 2014, we worked to support and pass I-1351 which promises to lower class sizes for the students and educators of the Snoqualmie Valley. Through WEA, we are part of the coalition behind the successful McCleary lawsuit. In McCleary, the Washington Supreme Court ruled the state is violating the constitutional rights of its children and ordered the state to fully fund K-12 public schools by the 2017-18 school year. This next year is a critical time for public education in Washington.
As members, staff and leaders of SVEA we continue to use our voices and collective strength to ensure that the resources are being directed to our students and the schools they learn in and we teach in every day. Our working conditions are the students learning conditions. Our current bargaining campaign calls on the district to make our students and classrooms a top priority. This includes:
- Wages and benefits to attract and keep the best and brightest,
- Lower class sizes, and
- Protection of our planning and preparation time at all levels.
We must stand together and support one another as we work to protect and improve public education in the Snoqualmie Valley, Washington, and across the nation. As educators we experience many successes and challenges daily in our classrooms and SVEA is here to celebrate your successes and provide support in your challenges. Please reach out to your school’s Building Representative, who is elected by your peers to support you, as well as our elected leaders at SVEA if you have any questions or concerns. You will receive regular communication though e-mails, building meetings and general membership meetings. Please read them as they will include important information, bargaining updates, and calls for action.
Finally, thank you for choosing to become a fellow Snoqualmie Valley educator and dedicating your time to impact the lives and learning of the students in the Snoqualmie Valley. Welcome to SVEA and the SVSD family!
In solidarity,
Lisa Radmer
SVEA President