Please join the bargaining team for a celebratory happy hour at No Boat Brewing from 3-6PM on our first payday of the year, September 28. Attend your September building meeting for a chance to win a complimentary first beverage.
Note: It is expected that the raises associated with our new salary schedule will be reflected in our September 28 paychecks. If this is not possible due to time constraints or other issues, increases would be retroactive. SVEA will communicate this to you as soon as possible.
In addition to a new salary schedule, the agreement included several other provisions.
- Our contract will be extended for an additional year (through August 2020) with the addition of IPD (inflation) for compensation in second year of contract.
- The professional rate for pink-sheet hours will be $36.62 for 2018-19.
- Non-school professional experience of ESA staff will now include experience in non-schools and other equivalent non-school positions. Self-employment does not qualify. Experience is 1:1, must have worked with children and young adults birth to age 21.
- Records must be submitted by November 1st for the 2018-19 in order to be used for salary schedule placement for that year.
- In the following years after the 2018-19 school year. Records must be submitted by October 1st.
- During the 2018-19 school year, SVEA and the district will meet and address the needs related to Special Education and ESA Staff caseloads and workloads to be implemented in the 2019-20 school year.
- SVEA may choose two (2) additional non-monetary issues to bargain for 2019-20 school year.
- The district will invite and include SVEA in administrative level meetings to provide input during district budget planning.
- Pay for Open House (Curriculum Night) will no longer be time sheeted. The three (3) hours will be included in the certificated salary schedule.
- The district and SVEA will review the current professional development days to determine if what is offered is effective, meaningful, and comparable to other districts. Based on the review of these days, it is the intent of the District and Association, through the collective bargaining process to add “up to two (2)” non-student workdays during the 2019-2020 school year to enhance professional development opportunities and provide additional opportunities for teacher collaboration and innovation. Our common interests are as follows:
- More effective use of professional development time
- Increased teacher planning and collaboration time
- Greater staff involvement and participation
- To ensure that the amount of contracted time for professional development is comparable to the four (4) districts we use as comparables