We all are ready for the summertime freedom and relaxation. SVEA leadership is looking forward to the fall already. We are forming a committee that will guide our association in how to make connections with and support each other. It is a valuable but not a large time consuming commitment. It will be lots of fun.
WEA has a training entitled Membership Matters. This one day training to attend is on August 1st and we are looking for 10 out of 400 members to go. Ideally, it would be one from each building. We need fresh faces and new ideas. Get a friend or colleague to go with you. It's a great way to get together over the summer. Please send me names by June 16th.
So far we have :
- NBES -
- TR-
- CVES -
- TRES -
- SES - Nate Ziemkowski
- CKMS - Lynn Bradwell
- Instructional Coaches - Amy Jones
I am going, the same day, to a Membership Matters training for Presidents.
Lisa Radmer, SVEA President