Class Size Counts-
When this initiative passes in the fall, the legislature has to fund it for the first two years before they can set it aside. That will give the Supreme Court ruling time also. We need to get it on the ballot first. The last time we did this, the community supported it whole-heartedly. Remember I-728? This initiative also demands more staff in the way of counselors, librarians, nurses, classroom aides etc. I collected 260 signatures from SVEA members last Thursday. Congratulations to SES who turned in 103. This is a great job for our first week. The goal for SVEA is 1619 signatures. That is about 5 per member. Please make sure to ask your friends and family to sign. Remember to sign the back of your petition before giving it to your building reps. on Wednesday or Thursday morning. Remember that this has to be done before and after your work day or during your lunch.
If you are not a member of WEA/PAC or NEA/PAC, please sign up. Without donations of 2.25 per month for WEAPAC and1.00 per month for NEAPAC, these entities have a really difficult time advocating for teachers and students with political powers that be. Contact your building rep. during non-work time, if you are not sure of your membership. Don’t use email to do this.
SVEA Survey
Look for a SVEA survey in your home email in the next week. WEA is helping us collect information about topics such as workload, stress levels, district expectations, building administration, hours spent out of school that you work on school work, and TPEP. Please be open, honest , answer the demographic questions and fill in any further comments, if there is something else we need to know. The goal of the SVEA leadership and the district is to open communication and deal with issues as they arise – not waiting until the next bargaining cycle. You are a crucial voice in that conversation.
District Bond Survey
The district will soon be giving parents, staff, and community a chance to voice their opinions on what will be needed on this next bond. They need to know if there is support for a new elementary school and a remodeled high school, or what specific part of the plan you would support. Here is another opportunityto have your voice heard. Please take the time to express your opinion.
General Membership Meeting
Mark your calendars for our next Gen. Membership meeting, May 29th at 4:30 at the High School Auditorium. We will voting on a dues increase, an updated Constitution and By-laws, hearing about the survey results and what the SVEA has accomplished this school year.