Here's why... Every education decision is a political decision. The people we elect are part of the decision making regarding education proposals. WEA-PAC supports pro-public education candidates. Our health care, collective bargaining and full funding for public schools are all up for debate in the 2015 legislative session. Investing in great WEA-PAC candidates just makes sense!
Want to know more? Here's Wendy Smith, a public school teacher in Vancouver, telling why she's a WEA-PAC member: “I belong to WEA-PAC because as a public school teacher, nearly every aspect of my job is touched by politics. Too often, teachers want to just shut the classroom door and focus on our students. But hiding behind our classroom doors is the same as burying our heads in the sand. My colleagues complain about the decisions and actions of the state legislature, but very few do anything in response.Few teachers see themselves as “political” but they do care and they and their students are affected. WEA-PAC is a cheap and easy way to give our “non-political” members a voice, and a way for them to have influence on the decisions that so greatly impact our classrooms.”
Download and and print the WEA-PAC Payroll Authorization form to join WEA-PAC. Return it to your building rep.
If you have questions, please e-mail Nate Ziemkowski, at [email protected]